* 2024 New Arrival *
Gemini Pants in luxuriously hand-woven fabric, botanical dyed. Limited editon.
2024年の新作は、タイでも織り手さんの少なくなってしまった貴重な手織りの布を使用して、ゆったりパンツGemini Pantsを作りました。手紡ぎの細い糸を染め、一本一本丁寧に織り込んだ贅沢な一着です。草木染めの優しいお色もご一緒にお楽しみください。(各色、各サイズ一点づつのみとなります。)
* * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Material: 100% cotton
- Fabric: Handwoven / 手織り
- Botanical dye / 草木染め
- 2colors:
Brown : Ebony Tree / ブラウン(木: 黒檀)
Orange: Padauk Wood / オレンジ(木:パドック:マメ科シタン属の広葉樹)
- Side pockets
- Size: One size
- Hip: Approx.114cm/45"
- 2 lengths option:
- Short length Approx. 94cm / 37"
- Long length Approx. 100cm/ 40"
* Model height : 167 cm / 5.4 ft wearing the long length.
- Waist / ~86cm/~34"
Adjustable waist ( Back: Elastic )/後ろのみゴム で、前のストラップで調節可能。ウエスト最大86cmまでゆったりと締め付けなしで履いていただけます。
- About botanical dye
Natural dyed fabric has a certain depth of color and reflects light in a way that is very different from chemical dyes.
The unique color tone of the fabric is considered as a beauty of natural color. Each piece is slightly different color from the one in the photo.
- Care: Hand wash in cold water , hang to dry in the shade.
Natural dyes are sensitive to sunlight exposure over prolonged periods of time.
Please avoid deodorants with baking soda and use a pH neutral detergent.
Note: Black color will bleed dye when washed. To avoid damaging other clothing please wash separately.
I lived in Northern Thailand for 6 years previously to make clothing.
Thailand has been growing its own cotton, and people have been developing traditional hand-weaving and natural dyeing techniques. However, recently Thailand started importing much cheaper cotton fabrics from neighbor country, and the younger generation is not continuing these skills, putting these wonderful skills at risk of being lost in Thai villages. This is my new project aimed at supporting the preservation of these remarkable handwoven and natural dye techniques in Northern Thailand.
タイの北部では昔から綿の栽培が行われ、それと同時に手織りや草木染めが伝統的に行われていましたが、近年では隣国から安価なコットン生地の輸入、村での若者の後継者がいないことなどの理由から、この素晴らしい技術が失われる危機にあります。Maika Handworksはこれらの技術を継承していけるよう活動しているタイのアーティストと共に、この手織りと草木染め、藍染めの生地の生産と維持の手助けを行なっております。
Please do understand Maika Handworks has no control of shipping once an order has been shipped also Maika Handworks is not responsible for lost packages or damaged during shipping.
Once an order has been shipped and tracking details emailed to you, the shipping services are responsible for the goods shipped.
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